Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Pirate concept art , all done in photoshop.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Concept Art - Tri Defense II

Concept art I did for an Ipad game called Tri Defense II, unfortunatley most of this designs didnt go to production

Thursday, January 12, 2012

StoryBoards - Luz Mala

More Storyboards , this time from my short film Luz Mala. This were the last ones I did, the very first storyboards are really quite bad but maybe i will post them soon.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Some Storyboards from an animatic i did at my school. The idea was to make fun of Indiana Jones and those kind of Pulp heroes.

3D Modeling

Couple of 3D works, the first is from and Ipad game.
They asked for a steampunk kinda vehicle with a rusty paint job and i came up with this boat. The other one is the final 3D model i did for a short i developed during a workshop we had at the school were a professor from CalArts , Manuel Cuchilla, instructed us in the art of animation. Honestly it was the best month of my career, i only wished in my country we could take things as serious as the Americans do.